Power Generation
Blasch engineers the working components that see abrasion, high temperature or corrosion to improve processes and reduce costs for fossil fuel power plants and fuel cells. For decades, Blasch has worked with designers and engineers to replace existing metallic components or machined silicon carbide elements with our pre-cast silicon carbide shapes.

Tim Connors, Director of Business Development, Blasch Global Solutions
+1-518-436-1263 Ext. 105
Tim Connors, Senior Market Manager, has been with Blasch Precision Ceramics since 1995. He holds a Master of Science degree in Advanced Technology. A Mechanical Engineer by education, he has configured abrasion resistant solutions, molten metal linings, flow control systems, high temperature firing fixtures and chemical and corrosion lining systems using Blasch’s unique forming method and custom materials. His area of expertise is in custom wear applications for the Power Generation, Mining, Industrial Process Heating and Heavy Industrial Processing industries. He currently manages the Energy & Chemical Markets, which include Refining/Chemical Processing, Mining, Heavy Industrial Processing, Industrial Process Heating and Power Generation. In addition to that he holds a role in Business Development for our Global Specialty Products division.
Fossil Fuels
Power Plants burning fossil fuels often see extreme abrasion issues both in the fuel preparation and combustion and scrubbing side. Utilizing Blasch’s unique shape making capability combined with highly engineered materials, we are able to solve everyday maintenance problems. Whether we are replacing a steel component or providing a precision designed lining system, we can provide the solution to your abrasion, high temperature and corrosion issues.

Biomass, Pulp & Paper, Gasification, Transmission
Power or steam plants burning abrasive fuels often see extreme abrasion issues both in the fuel preparation and combustion and scrubbing side. Utilizing Blasch’s unique shape making capability combined with highly engineered materials, we are able to solve everyday maintenance problems. Whether we are replacing a steel component or providing a precision designed lining system, we can provide a solution to your abrasion, high temperature and corrosion issues.

Alternative Types: Fuel Cells, Solar, Battery, Transmission
Whether you are developing the latest fuel cell, engineering an innovative cathode battery material, reducing contaminants in your polysilicon production or trying to increase your transmission efficiencies, Blasch can help you engineer the working components that may see high temperature and corrosion. For decades, Blasch has worked with designers and process engineers to replace existing refractory-metallic components or machined silicon carbide elements with our pre-cast ceramic shapes, saving companies’ money, further driving down the cost of power for the world. With our vast material database, we have a wide range of suited materials for all types of metallic compounds found in the latest energy storage devices. Spinel and MgO – Magnesia Oxide are often used in Lithium bearing cathode materials. Silicon Carbides and Alumina’s work well with Nickel and Cobalt bearing alloys. Whether it’s oxidizing or reducing, Blasch has a material and the capability to produce a shape that works in the application.