Stablox tunnel system
Engineered by Blasch Precision Ceramics

StaBlox™ Flue Gas Reformer Tunnel System Overview

The Blasch StaBlox Tunnel System is a highly versatile and mechanically stable solution featuring stackable, interlocking blocks for extremely fast and easy installation. It ensures a higher level of reliability with customizable blocks and includes highly engineered, mortar-free expansion joints. The design allows for increased durability, reduced downtime, and improved thermal efficiency, providing a comprehensive solution for maintaining and upgrading flue gas tunnels. 

StaBlox can be utilized in two scenarios which both leveraging our innovative design to enhance durability and operational reliability for many years to come:

StaBlox Tunnels 

You notice you have a tunnel on the ground or leaning and need a solution that can be delivered quickly and minimize the critical path of your maintenance outage. StaBlox tunnels can be built in a fraction of the time of traditional brick tunnels, with no mortar or cure time. They are in stock for urgent requirements. Learn more.

Full StaBlox System

You have plans to rebuild your reformer and are looking to upgrade your tunnel set and improve efficiency. The full StaBlox system, partnered with BD Energy System’s patented TOP technology, leads to near-uniform flow along the entire tunnel length, promoting even heating and reducing tube hotspots, ultimately improving efficiency and performance. Learn more.

Stablox Related Pages

StaBlox Compromised Tunnel Replacement

Blasch StaBlox Replacement Tunnels are installed faster, easier and have superior mechanical stability and less mass compared to traditional brick and mortar. The interlocking blocks and engineered, mortar-free expansion joints ensure reliability by accounting for accurate thermal growth accommodation during operation. The lack of mortar means there is no cure time, further decreasing the critical path of maintenance outages. The reduced overall mass leads to enhanced thermal efficiency, reducing the thermal stress on components and decreasing the need for future maintenance.

Full StaBlox Tunnel Systems

The Blasch StaBlox Flue Gas Reformer Tunnel System is a revolutionary solution for full tunnel sets, in collaboration with BD Energy Systems' patented TOP™ technology to improve efficiency and performance. Orifice inserts are engineered to provide near-uniform flow along the length of each tunnel, promoting even heating and reducing tube hot spots. This leads to other process improvements such as a reduced methane slip of 2-3%, reduced pressure drop, more uniform tube life, and fewer emergency shutdowns.