Blasch to Present at Upcoming SynGas 2015 Conference in Tulsa
Albany, NY – April 7, 2015
Blasch Precision Ceramics, Inc., an Albany-based ceramic technology manufacturer, will be presenting “Improving Flue Gas Tunnel Reliability through the Application of Engineered Design and Improved Material Selection” at SynGas 2015 in Tulsa, OK, Wednesday, April 22nd at 3:45. Applications Engineer Will Russell and Sales Engineer Joe Quintiliani will discuss advancements in reformer tunnel technology, utilizing materials and technology that have been operating in several high temperature applications for decades.
Blasch’s new StaBlox™ system will also be on display in the form of a near-full-size flue gas tunnel at the conference.
The SynGas 2015 Conference will be held at the Marriott Tulsa Hotel Southern Hills April 20 – 22nd. The SynGas Association is an organization of ammonia, hydrogen, ammonium nitrate/nitric acid, urea & methanol producers – along with the material and service suppliers that support these industries. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum where there is an open exchange of ideas and information to promote better safety, technical, environmental, operational and maintenance techniques for the mutual benefit of the organization and its participants.